Monday, November 19, 2007

Frank Black in X-Files 2?

Over at Aint It Cool News, they are reporting the possibility that Lance Henrikson could appear in the XF2. Apparently when asked, at a convention, if Frank Black would make an appearance in the movie, Mr. Henrikson responded that he, "wasn't aloud to talk about it". This, of course, makes for perfect gossip material!

Personally, I think it is fairly unlikely that the character Frank Black will appear in the film. If anything, Lance Henrikson will likely play a different character, despite having appeared on The X-Files as Frank Black. 1013 has a long history of re-using favourite actors that have already appeared in the X-Files universe as other characters. Good ol' Terry O'Quinn, in his pre-Lost days, appeared as no less than three different characters on The X-Files, while also playing Peter Watts on Millennium, which takes place in the XF universe as well.

Either way, this is great news. I would LOVE to see Frank Black appear in XF2, but any Henrikson performance will be wonderful.

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